

  • 基本的な判定
Dim iTest As Integer
Dim strTest As String
Dim bTest As Boolean
Dim txtTest As TextBox

Type UserType
strTest2 As String
iTest2 As Integer
End Type
Dim user As UserType

iTest = 10
strTest = "TEST"
bTest = True

If iTest = 10 Then
End If

If strTest = "TEST" Then
End If

If bTest = True Then
End If

If Not txtTest Is Nothing Then
strText = txtTest.Text
End If

If Not Not user Then
strText = txtTest.Text
strText = ""
End If

If (iTest = 10 Or iTest = 11) And bTest = True _
And strTest = "TEST" Then
ElseIf iTest >= 20 And iTest <= 30 Then
ElseIf iTest >= 31 Then
End If
  • 配列の判定
Dim strList(5) As String

If IsArray(strList) Then
End If

If UBound(strList) == 5 Then
End If


  • Collectionの判定
Dim colTest As Collection

Set colTest = New Collection

Call colTest.Add("KEY", "VALUE")

If colTest.Count = 1 Then
End If

If isExist(colTest,"KEY") Then
End If

Public Function isExist(ByRef col As Collection, ByRef strKey As String) As Boolean
  On Error GoTo NextErr
  Set getCol = col.Item(strKey)
  isExist = True
  Exit Function
isExist = False
End Function

